Ever wonder how there are skinny people in this world?
Me too, girl.
Girl, if you are anything like me you know you are meant for more. You know you have what it takes to slay any goal you have in front of you because you have already been successful at so many things.
However…there is that one thing that keeps staying just out of your reach, and no matter how much of your amazing bad B energy you put towards it, you just can’t seem to crush that ONE goal. It’s frustrating isn’t it??
For me, that one goal was losing that extra body weight. I just couldn’t seem to get rid of it, no matter how much I paid my personal trainer or restricted my calories. Something just wasn’t adding up.
Whatever it is that just isn’t adding up in your life, I have the answer! The good news is you already have the answer, too – you just need a little help finding it within yourself. And lucky for you, you’ve come to the right place – that just happens to be my super power!
The answer will surprise you and we are going to laugh a lot along the way. Thank you for making me a part of your journey. Let’s do this! YESSSS GIRL!
In case you didn’t know, I love you, and I mean it!
I’m not gonna sugarcoat this…

I am JUST LIKE YOU…I LOVE food – seriously, give me pizza, ice cream, french fries, and WINE, YES GIRL! Now, I’m not gonna feed you some fairytale transformation story where the weight magically disappeared overnight, because let’s be real, that’s just not how it works. It took some serious inside work and let me tell you, it wasn’t at all glamorous.
Here’s the deal – I tried all the diets, exercising with a trainer, swallowing pills…everything…and was just left wondering how there are even skinny people in this world? Seriously, it felt impossible.
I needed to understand the WHY and HOW and do something that made sense to me, because I’m not about wasting my precious time. Turns out, the 6 inches between my ears was controlling most of the inches around my waist – WHAT?

With the perfect combo of mindset and simple food adjustments, I finally had my answer for an internal and external change! Now, I’m all about sharing my journey with anyone ready to do the inside work for the outside results. I have built a community of women who lift each other up and hold one another accountable.
Sound like something you need? I can’t wait to chat with you!

Are you ready to energize your next event with a top level motivational speaker who can bring your team from a hotmess into hotness?
Look no further – I’m your girl!
I’m all about empowering strong women to lead themselves and others, whether it’s in the corporate world, running the show at home, or crushing both with style! Trust me, I’ve been there and I know a thing or two about juggling it all. I can’t wait to share my incredible journey of going from a homeless teen mom to a married and successful entrepreneur, and then thriving as a single mom.
Through it all, I’ve learned the power of self-confidence, time management, emotional mastery, business strategies, and understanding different personality styles. It’s not just about achieving our own goals, but also lifting up and supporting those we lead or love with genuine authenticity.
I’m here to share all of my knowledge on how to make it all work for you – and becoming your own biggest fan along the way. With a combination of humor, vulnerability, and a dose of tough love, I’ll guide you and your team to the success you already know you want to achieve!
“If Ms. Valentine cannot light a fire under you and instill the hope we need today, no one can!”
Grab my 7 Day Sugar Detox!
Grab my 7 Day Sugar Detox!
GIRL I love to eat – you too? I also hate feeling like hot garbage afterwards.
I found a solution and I am going to share it with you! Don’t worry, it’s free. Weird right?
In my 7 Day Sugar Detox, you’ll get 7 daily menus, education on WHY we would want to do such a thing, a daily link for accountability, a daily email for encouragement, and it ends with a video with my beautiful face telling my story.
You are going to love it. All for exactly ZERO dollars and no strings; I am not into all that B.S. Check it out!